Are you in a Small or Medium-Sized Business? Do you find it difficult to attract great Financial talent? If so, trust me, YOU’RE NOT ALONE! It’s just plain hard to compete with brand name multinationals with vast pools of Recruiting resources (people & funds).
No doubt, the cheapest way to source great talent is through personal and social networks, and it is an avenue that should be given priority. But then what?? Tools can only take the process so far. You inevitably need resources to execute on a proper recruiting process. If you don’t have the proper internal resources, consider the advantages of outsourcing a search to a niche firm:
- niche firms are flexible and agile while providing the same/better service-levels than those experienced by large client companies. Access to more senior/experienced staff adds far more consultative value
- extensive industry contacts, in-depth knowledge and exposure to a vast array of similar niche roles
- ability to focus on the passive candidate market allowing a proactive approach to Recruiting
- most importantly, niche firms become “true partners……. an extension of your own company”. They can sell your company brand to the best candidates because of their in-depth knowledge of your company’s needs and plans. Niche firms are motivated by helping their clients GROW.
If you have little or no internal recruiting resources, consider outsourcing the process right from the start and actually get more value for money.
I personally get great satisfaction in helping SMB’s attract and recruit great Finance & Accounting talent (my niche). When you really get to know a client’s business, the value added can be enormous.
John Huxtable is Managing Partner at The Finance Department Limited (TFDL). Founded in 1996, TFDL specializes in the Contract and Permanent Placement of Finance & Accounting Professionals on a full-service basis. Positions range from Financial Analyst to CFO. We have developed new pricing structures specifically for SMB’s in order to broaden their range of Recruitment alternatives.